Eat Roti in Kota Kinabalu

In Malaysia, it is simple bread eaten to breakfast and snacks.

Lets's enjoy your night at Kota Kinabalu with seafood!

In the water tank, you can find clam, tiger prawn, brachyuran, grouper, snapper, oyster, lobster... and so on. You can eat your favorite ingredients by a method of the favorite cooking.

Roti Photo in Kota Kinabalu

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Roti Photo in Kota Kinabalu

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  • Roti Photo in Kota Kinabalu1
  • Roti Photo in Kota Kinabalu1
  • Roti Photo in Kota Kinabalu1
  • Roti Photo in Kota Kinabalu1


What you want to order at seafood restaurant?

What you want?

Make it more easily than naan, and is delicious; extreme popularity. How to eat varies, too, and how to make is interesting, as well as Teh Tarik.
Put dough on the table and stretch it out in the air to thin it more. and bake the dough which lengthened on a round iron plate. If bake it with being thin; called Roti tissue. When bake it while bending it, and having the layer; called Roti Canai or Roti Koson.
When break an egg, and put Roti Canai; called Roti Telur. There is a kind in various ways.

Roti Murtabak which put some ingredient in loti more. Roti Mertabak put in dough vegetables and chicken.
